Up to 40 GHz
Analog RF over Fiber modules convert RF signals to optical signals and back. One unit has an optical transmitter which converts the signal from RF to Optical, and a second receiver unit converts the signal from Optical to RF. The optical transmitter is connected to the optical receiver by a single mode optical fiber provided by the customer.
RFOptic offers high frequency (up to and including 40GHz) RFoF solutions. The high frequency RFoF modules are based on indirect modulation and include 12GHz, 18GHz, 20GHz, 30GHz, 40GHz, and 67GHz
12GHz HSFDR RFoF Modules
Up to X band (up to and including 12GHz)
18GHz HSFDR RFoF modules
Up to Ku band (up to and including 18GHz)
20GHz HSFDR RFoF modules
Up to K band (up to and including 20GHz)
30GHz HSFDR RFoF modules
Up to K band (up to and including 30GHz)
40GHz HSFDR RFoF modules
Up to Ka band (up to and including 40GHz)
67GHz HSFDR RFoF modules
Up to V band (up to and including 67GHz)