Triaxial Accelerometers

För test och provning av personbilar, lastbilar, järnväg, vindenergi och mycket annat. Teamet hos ASC har 25 års erfarenhet av att utveckla accelerometrar. De är idag en av världens ledande tillverkare av accelerometrar.
Du kan få dina accelerometrar levererade med de kontaktdon du vill ha och går en accelerometer sönder kan ASC reparera en axel eller laga en kabel.

Du kan se de olika 3-axliga modellerna och ladda hem datablad på länken nedan. Kontakta oss gärna så hjälper vi dig att hitta rätt modell!

ASC 5411LN / ASC 5415LN
Sensors of type ASC 5411LN are based on proven MEMS technology and capacitive operating principle. The integrated electronic circuitry enables a differential analog voltage output (±4 V FSO) and flexible power supply voltage from 6 to 40 VDC. The LN (Low Noise) accelerometers from ASC provide an outstanding signal-to-noise ratio which is essential for demanding measurements of smallest frequencies and amplitudes.

ASC 5421MF / ASC 5425MF
Sensors of type ASC 5415LN are based on proven MEMS technology and capacitive operating principle. The integrated electronic circuitry enables a differential analog voltage output (±4 V FSO) and flexible power supply voltage from 6 to 40 VDC. The LN (Low Noise) accelerometers from ASC provide an outstanding signal-to-noise ratio which is essential for demanding measurements of smallest frequencies and amplitudes

ASC 5511LN / ASC 5515LN
Sensors of type ASC 5511LN are based on proven MEMS technology and capacitive operating principle. The integrated electronic circuitry enables a differential analog voltage output (±4 V FSO) and flexible power supply voltage from 6 to 40 VDC. The LN (Low Noise) accelerometers from ASC provide an outstanding signal-to-noise ratio which is essential for demanding measurements of smallest frequencies and amplitudes.

ASC 5521-MF / ASC 5525-MF
Sensors of type ASC 5521MF are based on proven MEMS technology and capacitive operating principle. The integrated electronic circuitry enables a differential analog voltage output (±2.7 V FSO) and flexible power supply voltage from 5 to 40 VDC. The MF (Medium-Frequency) accelerometers from ASC provide a wide frequency response range of 0 Hz to 7 kHz (±3 dB) and an extremely robust design with shock resistance up to 6,000 g.

ASC 74C1

These piezoresistive accelerometers are based proven MEMS technology, in which four variable resistors are configured as a Wheatstone bridge. The triaxial ASC 74C1 features a wide dynamic range from 0 Hz to 2.5 kHz and outstanding impact resistance up to 5,000 g. In addition, ASC is able to repair single sensitve directions if it is required.

ASC 75C1

These piezoresistive accelerometers are based proven MEMS technology, in which four variable resistors are configured as a Wheatstone bridge. The triaxial ASC 75C1 features a wide dynamic range from 0 Hz to 2.5 kHz and outstanding impact resistance up to 5,000 g. In addition, ASC is able to repair single sensitive directions if it is required.

ASC 76C1

These piezoresistive accelerometers are based proven MEMS technology, in which four variable resistors are configured as a Wheatstone bridge. The triaxial ASC 76C1 features a wide dynamic range from 0 Hz to 2.5 kHz and outstanding impact resistance up to 5,000 g. In addition, ASC is able to repair single sensitve directions if it is required.


ASC CS-1711LN / ASC CS-1511LN / ASC CS-1611LN
The sensors of the ASC CS series are based on proven MEMS technology with a capacitive operating principle. The integrated electronic circuitry enables a single-ended analog current output of 4-20 mA and flexible power supply voltage from 8 to 30 VDC. The models of the ASC CS series feature broadband noise of <0.2 µA and are used in applications that are requiring extremely long cables (>100 m) or very high EMC immunity.

Sensors of type ASC OS-315LN-PG are based on proven MEMS technology and capacitive operating principle. The integrated electronic circuitry enables a differential analog voltage output (±4 V FSO) and flexible power supply voltage from 6 to 40 VDC. The LN (Low Noise) accelerometers from ASC provide an outstanding signal-to-noise ratio which is essential for demanding measurements of smallest frequencies and amplitudes.

ASC P203A11 / ASC P203A12
Piezoelectric accelerometers are based on PZT ceramic and feature IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric) circuitry for converting of the charge to an analog output voltage signal. The triaxial ASC P203A11 features an extremely compact design with an edge length of 11 mm. That makes it ideal for dynamic measurements in all three degree of freedom. In addition, TEDS (tranducer electronic data sheet) are available and ready for data to be written.

Triaxial, capacitive
ModelTypeMeasurement RangeNoice DencityFrequency range
ASC 5411LNTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±400 g7 to 400 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz
ASC 5415LNTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±400 g7 to 400 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz
ASC 5421MFTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±200 g10 to 680 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz
ASC 5425MFTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±200 g10 to 680 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz
ASC 5515LNTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±400 g7 to 400 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz
ASC 5521MFTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±200 g10 to 680 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz
ASC 5525MFTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±200 g10 to 680 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz
ASC CS-1611LNTriaxial, capacitive±2 to ±50 gNANA
ASC ECO CS-3311Triaxial, capacitive±2 to ±40 gNA (±5 %): DC to 630 Hz
ASC ECO-3311Triaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±40 g 22.5 to 90 µg/√Hz (±3 dB): DC to 630 Hz
ASC EQ-3211Triaxial, capacitive ±3 and ±5 g<1.2 µg/√Hz (±3 dB): DC to 700 Hz
ASC EQ-3215Triaxial, capacitive ±3 and ±5 g<1.2 µg/√Hz (±3 dB): DC to 700 Hz
ASC OS-315LN-PGTriaxial, capacitive: ±2 to ±400 g7 to 400 µg/√Hz (±5 %): DC to 2000 Hz
ASC OS-325MF-PGTriaxial, capacitive±2 to ±200 g 10 to 680 µg/√Hz(±5 %): DC to 2900 Hz
Triaxial, IEPE
ModelTypeMeasurement RangeFrequency rangeScale Factor
ASC P203A11Triaxial, IEPE±50 to ±2000 g(±10 %): 1.0 Hz to 9 kHz2.5 mV/g to 100 mV/g
ASC P203A12Triaxial, IEPE±50 to ±2000 g (±10 %): 1.0 Hz to 9 kHz2.5 mV/g to 100 mV/g
ASC P313P-A15Triaxial, IEPE±16 to ±800 g(±10 %): 1.5 Hz to 12 kHz10 mV/g to 500 mV/g
Triaxial, capacitive RAIL
ModelTypeMeasurement RangeNoice DencityFrequency range
ASC RAIL-315LNTriaxial, capacitive ±2 to ±400 g7 to 400 µg/√Hz(±5 %): DC to 1000 Hz
DiSens® Series
ModelTypeMeasurement RangeNoice DencityOutput signal
ASC DiSens® ECO-3321Triaxial, capacitiveConfigurable ±2 to ±40 g22.5 to 90 µg/√HzUSB, CAN, RS-232
ASC DiSens® ECO-Rail-3325Triaxial, capacitiveConfigurable ±2 to ±8 g or ±10 to ±40 g<1.2 µg/√HzCAN
ASC DiSens® EQ-3211Triaxial, capacitive±3 and ±5 g <1.2 µg/√HzUSB
ASC DiSens® MD 2/4/8Triaxial, MEMSConfigurable ±2 to ±8 gEtherCAT