Coaxial Couplers, Divider, Combiners and OMT
Coaxial couplers, dividers, combiners, and Orthomode Transducers (OMT) are vital components in RF and microwave systems, crucial for efficient signal management and routing.
Coaxial Couplers are used to sample a portion of the signal from a coaxial line without disrupting the main signal flow. They provide precise signal measurement and monitoring, essential for system diagnostics and performance analysis.
Dividers split a single input signal into multiple outputs, ensuring even distribution of power and signal integrity across various channels. They are key in applications requiring signal splitting, such as in communication systems and signal processing.
Combiners merge multiple input signals into a single output, combining power from different sources. They are used to increase signal strength and improve performance in systems like broadcast and telecommunications.
Orthomode Transducers (OMT) separate and combine signals with different polarizations, optimizing bandwidth and reducing interference. They are particularly useful in satellite and radar systems for efficient signal processing.
Coaxial Directional Couplers
Broadband Directional Couplers, SMA Directional Couplers and Type N Directional Couplers. Frequency ranges:st 0.5 to 18.0 GHz
2-way Power Divider
From 0.5 to 40GHz, SMA,N,2.92mm conntector are avaliable, frequency band can be customized,
4-way Power Divider
From 500MHz-40GHz, Conntector SMA,N,2 92mm are avaliable, frequency band can be customized
8-way Power Divider
From 0.5 to 40GHz, conntector SMA,N,2.92mm are avaliable, frequency band can be customized,
3,12,16, 32-way Power Dividers
ultiway power dividers(Combiner), include 3-way,12-way,16-Way and 32-way Power divider(Combiner). Conntector SMA,N are avaliable
Lumped Power Dividers
2~16w. Freq. Range from 1MHz to 6000MHz, Coaxial, surface mount, plug-in type available,
Resistive Power Dividers
Resistive Power Divider, from DC to 18GHz.
90º Hybrid Couplers
up to 40GHz, connector SMA,N,2 92mm are avaliable.
180º Hybrid Couplers
Up to 40GHz, connector SMA,N,2 92mm are avaliable
Active Multipliers
HAFM-Series available in models ranging from 20 to 100 GHz. Coaxial and waveguide interface versions