EMF Testing
EMF testing, or Electromagnetic Field testing, involves measuring the levels of electromagnetic fields emitted by various sources such as power lines, communication towers, and electronic devices. The goal of EMF testing is to ensure that exposure levels remain within safe limits to protect human health and the environment.
Selective measurement of high frequency electromagnetic fields
RadMan 2XT/2LT
Personal radiation monitor for electric and magnetic fields RF Safety instrument
The electromagnetic field meter and successor of the NBM series ranging from 0 Hz to 90 GHz
Multi-Band Area Monitor Ready for 5G. 10 Hz up to 60 GHz
ELT 400
Exposure Level Tester with wide frequency range (1 Hz - 400 kHz)
Magnetometer HP-01
Magnetometer for measurement and analysis of static and time-variable magnetic fields
Device with dual sensor probe for measuring electric and magnetic fields in industrial environments
Nardalert S3
Personal radiation monitor for electric fields with on site interchangeable sensor modules
Isotropic measurement of electric and magnetic ELF fields
Compact E and H field meter
Selective Area Monitor monitors high frequency fields from 100 kHz to 6 GHz.
Selective Area Monitor for frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz,