Dow-Key Microwave
Founded in 1945, Dow-Key is the oldest continuously operating RF switch manufacturer in the United States. We employ our decades of experience to deliver the world’s most innovative switching components, specializing in the design and manufacture of customized, high-performance coaxial switches, waveguide switches and high-reliability (space) switches, including T-switches and switch blocks.

Components / Coaxial RF Switches & Switch Matrices

Solid State Switch Matrices
Reliably routing the input signal to any output port, Solid State Matrices are applicable for complex applications where multiple I/O signals increase switching complexity.

Switched Matrix Multiplexer
Electomechanical multiplexer system with the capability to switch one input to as many as 143 outputs.

Non-blocking FIFO systems
Full Fan-In Fan-Out (FIFO) systems are non-blocking devices, allowing simultaneous connections between any input to any output.

Multiple Switch
MS-series is a switch matrix solution offering user flexibility in instances where multiple switches are required.

Crossbar Switch Matrix | CB Series
CB Series conveniently facilitates environments containing multiple test setups, eliminating the need to connect and disconnect devices.

High Repeatability SPDT Switches
R401 Series Routes signal to one of two outputs. Great for ATE systems. SMA connectors. 10M Cycle Life, great insertion loss repeatability, low VSWR, high isolation

High Repeatability SPnT Switches
The Reliant Switch™ series has a switching time of 15 ms and it is offered with a nominal power supply voltages of +12Vdc or +24Vdc.

High Power Coax SPnT Switches
High Power SP3T, SP4T and SP6T Coaxial series

High Power Coax SPDT Switches
High Power Coax SPDT Switch frequency: Coaxial Switches route RF signals over a broad bandwidth from DC - 12.4 GHz

DPDT High Power Coaxial Switches
High Power Coax DPDT Switch frequency: Coaxial Switches route RF signals over a broad bandwidth from DC - 12.4 GHz

SPnT Coaxial Switches
Single Pole Multiple Throw

Coaxial DPDT Switches
Double pole double throw with SMA or 2.9mm connectors. Failsafe or latching actuator. DC - 40 GHz. Frequency Range: DC - 40 GHz

SPDT Coaxial Switches
Maximum VSWR ranging from 1.1 to 1.95 with minimum isolation ranges from 55 dB to 90 dB and a max insertion loss from .1 dB to .8 dB,

Components / Waveguide Waveguide Switches

SPDT Waveguide Switches
Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) | WR-Series | 33D Series

We sell Dow-Key Microwave products in these categories:
RF Switches & Switch Matrices, Waveguide Switches,