Isotech Ltd.

Calibration Temperature Calibrators

Reference Probes
Semi Standards. Tempature range 0 to 1300°C. Noble Metal & Type N for best life, stability and reproducibility

Reference Probes
Platinum Resistance Thermometer -196 to 670°C.

Pegasus 4853
Dry Block Calibrator. 150 °C to 1200°C Portable Calibration Furnace

Gemini 4857
Dry Block Calibrator. Isotech 4000 series High Capacity Dry Blocks to 700°C

Fast-Cal High
Dry block calibrators. 35°C to 650°C. 25 x 148mm Calibration Volume

Isocal-6 Hyperion
Multifunction Portable Temperature Calibrators. -25°C to 140°C

Isocal-6 Drago 4934
Multifunction Portable Temperature Calibrators, use as Dry Blocks or convert to a liquid bath, surface sensor calibrator or infrared thermometer calibration.

Isocal-6 Venus 4951
Multi Function: Six Modes including Dry Block and Liquid Bath. 35mm x 160mm Calibration Volume

Isocal-6-Europa 4520
-45°C to 140°C

Isocal-6 Calisto 4953
Multi function Portable Temperature Calibrators. 30°C to 250°C. Fast Response 35mm x 160mm Calibration Volume

Quick Cal High
Low Temperature Quick Cal covers the temperature range of 35°C till 350°C ideally suited to the less exacting applications

Quick Cal Low
Low Temperature Quick Cal covers the temperature range of -12°C to +140°C, ideally suited to the less exacting applications

Snabba kalibratorer-Fast-Cal Low
-35°C till 140°C

Fast-Cal Medium
Industrial Dry Block Calibrators. 30°C to 350°C, 25 x 148mm Calibration Volume

Jupiter 4852
Dry Block Calibrator 30°C to 660°C. 35 x 160mm Volume

Sensors & Transmitters Temperature Sensors

Copper Point SPRT
Modell 108462. Measuring Range 0°C to 1100°C

Platinum / Palladium Thermocouples
Temperature Range 0°C till 1500°C

Thermocouple Standards
Model 1600. The type R and S standards will cover the range from 0°C to 1600°C.

Semi Standard Thermocouples
Suitable for use as references in Isotech Dry Blocks and for use with temperature indicators. Range 0 to 1300°C

Semi Standard PRTS
industrial platinum resistance thermometers (IPRT / PRT) are ideal for field and lab use. 90 degree angled probes to a maximum temperature of 660°C.

We sell Isotech Ltd. products in these categories:
Temperature Calibrators, Temperature Sensors,